Kaakkum Karangal Old Age Home: Year-end special visit
Place: Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai
Date: 31.Dec.2018
The life of parents revolves around their children but when the children grow up, often the parents are sidelined and are seen as a burden. As a result, the elderly parents are left uncared and starved at the fag end of their life. These aged people are abandoned by their children and sheltered by Kaakkum Karangal for life long. Bodies of the elders wear out with time and become susceptible to disease and infection. Their need is very very simple: a home and people who care.
We at Dream India strongly believe that everyone here deserves to be loved. People with the age of 60+ are staying here. We volunteers always treat these elderly persons as our own grandparents and move with them freely. DI does a monthly visit to this Kaakkum Karangal Old Age Home all round the year. The year-end visit will be an extra special visit every year.
With the smiling faces of grandparents that greeted us as we entered, we were reassured that we were on the right path and carried on with our work. We create time for our DI family to bond and spend joyful times together with our loving elders. We always make sure to have lively interaction and engage them in an energetic conversations at first. After a while, we got started with our prayer and started to serve the special Krishnavilasam sapaadu that was arranged. Krishnavilasam food always tastes as homemade. Everyone enjoyed this delightful dinner. Though the studies may show that coffee may create health issues, the one from Krishnavilasam doesn’t.
After dinner and coffee, we waved a goodbye to all our grandparents by assuring them with our next visit.
Seeing their happiness motivates and makes us all happy..!