*யாவர்க்குமாம் இறைவற்கு ஒரு பச்சிலை*
*யாவர்க்குமாம் பசுவிற்கு ஒரு வாயுறை*
*யாவர்க்குமாம் உண்ணும்போது ஒரு கைப்பிடி*
*யாவர்க்குமாம் பிறர்க்கு ஒரு இன்னுரை தானே*
*Dream India* team wishes and thanks the following well wishers for making this day special for the *Children of Udhavum Nanbargal* home and super special children of God from *Vasantham Special School and home* today.
*Happy birthday Ms. Priyamvada Venkatakrishnan by Mr. Venkatakrishnan Suresh and Family*
*In loving memory of I.Devanand -2nd year Anniversary By D Malathy and family*
*Well wisher of Dream India on the special occasion of Parents 50th wedding anniversary*
It’s because of such wonderful friends who support us, Dream India team has been able to do our best.
Thanks to all our wonderful friends and well wishers who enable us to serve more.
*Together We Can!!! Together We Should!!!*