*Project Vidhyalakshmi – Kannagi Nagar Study Center – Session #08 June 12, 2022*
*Dream India* team conducts *weekly classes* for the children of *government schools and our own study centers* in various places under *Project Vidhyalakshmi*
We had our *08th session* of the weekly classes last week. Our team of volunteers *Dr. Sanjeevi,Dr. Karthik, Mr. Rajasekar, Ms. Pavithra, Master Misantth, Ms. Elavarasi and Mr. Shiva Sankar* handled the classes.
We started the class with *english and Maths*. Verbal pronouncation, synonyms and antonomys taught by Ms. Pavitra. Few students learnt basic maths from Mr.Shivasankar. (Dream India team welcomes Mr. Shiva Sankar, our new member from St Paul’s family).
Following this, the children continued the *regular art class* under the guidance of Mrs. Elavarasi.
Request you to reach out to us *if you are interested in volunteering* teaching the children.
*Together We Can!!! Together We Should!!!*