Dream India team is very proud to extend our sponsorship support to Mr. Yoga Deepak Shanmugam for his International Yoga Competition to be held at Nepal in the first week of June.
When dear Ms. Sujitha S madam contacted us and informed about the need for support, my dear friend and long time Dream India Patron மணிகண்டன் தேவராஜன் immediately agreed to be the sponsor.
What I found wonderful about Mr. Deepak is that he had worked part time for months to ensure he could attend the preliminary event and he came out with flying colors.
Dream India team is really proud to be a sponsor and we sincerely hope the children and community would benefit at large by Mr. Deepak.
Wish you all the very best on behalf of entire Dream India family.
Dear friends, please do join me in wishing Mr. Deepak the very best.
Together We Can!!! Together We Should!!!