*அற்றார் அழிபசி தீர்த்தல்* *அஃதொருவன்*
*பெற்றான் பொருள்வைப் புழி*
*Project Annalakshmi – Day #56 Adyar CHS Kamaraj Avenue and Day #07 GHS Vaiyavoor*
*Dream India* team received the request from the *Adyar Corporation school* and *GHS Vaiyavoor* HMs and staff to *provide special tiffin* to all the *40 and 55 children* of the *Tenth standard* students as they are attending *special classes in the evening* preparing for the upcoming public exams.
Thanks to *Mr. Jenish Jose (Patterns) and Mrs. Jobi Jenish Family* and the *Chicago Tiffin center* we provided *poori* to all the children today at CHS Kamaraj Avenue, Adyar and we provided *dosai and coffee* to the children of *GHS, Vaiyavoor*. Dream India team wishes a very *Happy wedding anniversary Mr. Jenish and Mrs. Jobi Jenish*
Thanks to all dear friends for the support. Thanks to all teachers and staff and children for giving us the opportunity to serve.
*உண்டி கொடுத்தாரே உயிர் கொடுத்தவர் – புறநானூறு*
*Together We Can!!! Together We Should!!!*