Project Educational Tour – Kannagi Nagar Study Center – May 27th, 2023
Dream India happily organized a wonderful outing program for Kanngai Nagar Study Center students to take them to the VGP Marine Kingdom on 27th May 2023
There were about 24 students participating in this visit along with some of their parents. The program was well organized by our strong team volunteers Mrs. Elavarasi and Mrs. Jeevjothi. The refreshment has been provided to the students. Students enjoyed the evening in the VGP marine kingdom
Students are enjoyed walk-in Aquarium with a 70 Mtr under water tunnel. Exotic species from 5 aquatic zones, Experienced live feeding shows and touch Pool exhibits
Special thanks to Mrs. Elavarasi and Mrs. Jeevjothi for being there for the children week after week, for the event to happen and making a positive impact on their lives.
Together We Can!!! Together We Should!!!