*Project Vidhyalakshmi – Kannagi Nagar Study Center – Session #26*
*Dream India* team conducts *weekly classes* for the children of *government schools and our own study centers* in various places under *Project Vidhyalakshmi*
We had our *26th session* of the weekly classes and our team of volunteers *Ms. Elavarasi and Ms. Jeeva Jothi* handled the classes.
Thanks to the recent educational event celebrations, the children joyfully continued their *art class* under the guidance of Mrs. Elavarasi.
Thanks to *Ms. Sowmya Ramkumar and Mr. Ramkumar*, we have started a small library for the children.
Special thanks to Jeeva Jothi, Elavarasi and Sanjeevi for being there for the children week after week and making a positive impact on their lives.
We are *actively looking for volunteers*, request you to reach out to us *if you are interested in teaching* the children.
*Together We Can!!! Together We Should!!!*