*Project Vidhyalakshmi – Kannagi Nagar Study Center – Session #02 May 01, 2022*
*Dream India* team conduts *weekly classes* for the children of *government schools and our own study centers* in various places under *Project Vidhyalakshmi*
We had our *second session* of the weekly classes today. Our team of volunteers *Dr. Sanjeevi, Ms. Elavarasi Dr. Karthik, Mr. Rajasekar, Ms. Pavithra, Master Mishanth* handled the classes today.
We conducted our *Dream India entry test* today. This gives *good insights on the skill level of children* as well important info on their background. Following this, we had *Drawing competition* for the children. Sanjeevi had arranged one set of crayons for each of them and the result of the work can be seen in the pictures.
We are confident that we would be able to make a positive difference in the children. Request you to reach out to us *if you are interested in volunteering* teaching the children.
Together, let us do our best. *Together We Can!!! Together We Should!!!*