Dream India – Project Dhairiya Lakshmi
Dream India team conducted a counseling session on March 13th, 2024 for 8 students of GHS Virugambakkam appearing for the 10th board exams
The counselling session was handled by
Mr. Aathil &
Mr. Sanjai Kumar
The session went very well. The main focus was on removing the exam fear
The session aimed to provide the guidance and motivation to students as they prepare for their upcoming examinations. In this session, Mr. Aathil and Mr. Sanjai gave a counsel to the students on the importance of education, passion, responsibilities, and patience in the exam hall as well. Mr. Sanjai spread the awareness of Dream India’s educational scholarship, since a lot of students were dropping their studies after school. Then Mr. Aathil took Mr. Sanjai and himself as an example and inspired the students with their own life stories. Then both of them thanked the teachers for giving the invaluable support to Dream India for the students. Then our team distributed stationary kits containing a pencil, eraser, sharpener, pen, scale, protractors and a compasses to the students, wishing them success in their ensuing exams.
Special thanks to H. M. Mam and all the teachers.
Dream India team thank, all the wonderful teachers of GHS Virugambakkam for their continuous support
Together We Can!!! Together We Should!!!