Project Vidhyalakshmi – Bangalore Study Center
Dream India team conducts weekly classes for the children of government schools and our own study centers in various places under Project Vidhyalakshmi
We had the session on September 2nd & 3rd, 2023 of the weekly classes and Mr. Christopher alone handled the classes.
We had our two sessions of this weekly classes . For a change the students are get to hear the stories in our 1st session . Following that, the second session had the grammatical word learning . The children get to learn some new words by playing a little game called “Guess the vegetable” like eggplant, brocolli, capcicum etc., And they get to know what it is exactly by our chris’s explanation .
We have been able to sustain and continue the classes, only because of the wonderful support from all the well wishers and friends
Together We Can!!! Together We Should!!!