I have always found Roshika kutti (one with certificate in hand) to be bubbling with energy and sporting a wonderful smile.
Last evening, I found her to be much more cheerful than usual. Obviously, the smile was infectious and I asked her the reason for the same.
She was so happy and proud that she won 3rd prize in water filling competition ☺️ at her school.
👸 Here she is posing proudly with her sister Dharani.
Roshika and Dharani live in our neighborhood. Their mom is a small flower vendor whose shop is nearby our house.
Roshika is going from 4th to 5th standard while Dharani is going to 8th standard. We have small plans to bring a better future for these kids. More on that will be shared at the earliest.
At Dream India, right from the day we started, People Amongst Us – PAU, is something that we have been focusing on.
In fact, Dream India’s beginning was thru one such activity for Tara bhai maai in Andheri East. Varun RangarajanSwami BalaMohamed ArifRashmi Kulkarni and Eswar would know very well ☺️
Saish Baliga – we will discuss in details soon ☺️ thank you.