Dream India thanks KrishnaVilasam Adyar, Ms. Raji and her team for the wonderful support to the 10th Standard children of Adyar Corporation School. Since Feb 2017, every evening the team... read more →
Our weekly classes at Bangalore. Report from our trustee Soma Joshi. Thnx aswathy for spending so much time with kids...they really had a very nice learning n fun time with... read more →
Update from Soma Joshi, Dream India trustee. Thanks neha, abhishek and aashi (the youngest n cutest teacher :)..love u dear aashi) for coming ...it was a wonderful first day and... read more →
Dream India " *The ultimate purpose of technology is to enable people to serve the society and elevate the livelihood of people.*"Dream India is extremely proud to announce that our... read more →
Dream India Patterns Action2020 weekly classes at Adyar corporation school today was conducted by Chandra Lekha and Arul Prasath Anbalagan. Kids came up with ideas on the change they would... read more →