Dream India – Project Dhairiya Lakshmi
Dream India team conducted a counseling session on March 31st, 2023 for 45 children of GHS Vaiyavoor appearing for the 10th board exams
The counselling session was handled by
Mr. Boobalan B. E. B. L. (Advocate),
Mr. Sathish kumar B. E. B. L.
The session went very well. The main focus was on removing exam fear
DI team wished the students and provided the DI Educational Kit with having a Transparent cover, blue pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener and scale to all the children.
Special thanks to H. M. Mam and the entire teachers of the school
Dream India team thanks all the wonderful teachers of GHS Vaiyavoor for their continuous support
Apart from these as per the request of GHS Vaiyavoor, today compass and protector also provided for the children
Together We Can!!! Together We Should!!!